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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Obituary: Smith, Robert George

Robert George

November 9, 1923
to March 8, 2012

“Smitty” made his
appointment with
Eternity at the earliest
appointment date he’d
ever kept-about 5:24 am.

He retired in 1989 and was a Sales Representative for Keystone Steel and Wire Co. out of Peoria, IL, for five states in the Pacific North West.

He was a graduate of Southern Cal.


and a member of U.S. Air Force toward end of WW II.

His father, Merle had the Packard Agency in Peoria during the 1920s and 30s.
His parents Flossie (Stanbery) and Merle G. Smith preceded him in death.

He is survived by his wife and sweetheart of 56 years, Fern Louise Smith, of Rock Island, IL.

A Memorial Service was held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday 17th, in the Sanctuary.

Due to circumstances in lieu of flowers, contributions can be given for Fern to the Valley Fourth Church, 2303 S. Bowdish Road, Spokane, WA 99206.