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Fresh sheet: Outdoor dinner concert, sprouts, dessert train

Santé outside

The First Friday Dinner Concert at Riverfront Park features food from Santé owner and chef Jeremy Hansen.

The dinner, a benefit for Spokane’s Salvation Army, includes six courses – from a charcuterie plate and raspberry and burrata salad to Columbia River salmon and dark chocolate truffles from Hansen’s new bakeshop, Common Crumb. Wine comes from Overbluff and Trevari cellars. Music is provided by Floating Crowbar, a local Irish band.

Tickets are $100. A limited number of premium $150 tickets– which come with extras – are also available. Seating takes place from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Fountain Café and along the Spokane River. Buy tickets though Riverfront Park Guest Services at (509) 625-6601.

Sprouted kitchen

Learn to grow your own sprouts during a free Thursday night class at Pilgrim’s Market.

Sprouting at Home 101 with Shawna Cooper and Dani Lundquist of LucidRoots runs from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the market, 1316 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene.

On the Web: RSVP: (208) 676-9730.

Get on board

The Sunset Dessert Train Tour winds its way through Riverfront Park with a sampling of regional wines and specialty confections from Celebrations Bakery.

The tour, offered once this season, will be from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. Participants must be at least 21, and registration is required. Space is limited. Tickets are $35 per person.

Register online at or call (509) 625-6601.