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Spiceologist seeking funds for next phase

Spiceologist is running its third Kickstarter campaign.

This time, the Spokane-based spice company is looking for help to create what its executives are calling “some sexy packaging.”

Chef Pete Taylor and food blogger Heather Scholten are trying to raise money to package their 10 spice rubs, which are gluten-, dairy- and soy-free and contain no preservatives or artificial ingredients.

Formerly Savorx Spice & Flavor Co., Spiceologist was launched through a Kickstarter campaign in 2012. Another campaign in 2013 helped create a new look for the company.

Now, the pair are asking for help to purchase containers and lids as well as displays for retailers. They are also hoping to sell their rubs nationwide. The first step of their staggered goal is to raise $20,000.

If they can get to $60,000, they plan to hire employees, purchase packaging equipment and expand their product line. And if they can reach $100,000, they plan to move into a larger production facility, buy additional machinery and continue expanding their product line.

New flavors include Mango Sriracha, Black and Bleu, and Maui Wowwwy.

For more information, visit or Scholten blogs at