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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

EU demands Thailand address slavery in its seafood industry

Associated Press

BRUSSELS – The European Union warned Thailand on Friday that it should “promptly” address the human rights and slavery issues that have dogged its seafood industry if it wants to stave off an EU seafood import ban.

Several investigative reports by the Associated Press focused on slavery in the seafood industry and resulted in the rescue of 2,000 men this year, highlighting long-standing abuses in Thai fisheries.

Thailand is a major exporter of seafood, with yearly revenues of almost $5.4 billion, and an EU ban would seriously affect the industry.

EU Fisheries Commissioner Karmenu Vella said even though the 28-nation bloc was primarily assessing Thailand’s improvements in stamping out illegal fishing, there was no sidestepping the slavery issue.

Thailand, the world’s third-largest seafood exporter, was given a warning by the EU in April to improve its fisheries practices or face an export ban to the wealthy European bloc. Annual Thai fish exports to the EU are estimated to be worth $624 million to $792 million.

“We are still assessing whether Thailand has made sufficient progress in delivering on the actions” it was asked to take in April, Vella told reporters Friday.

“Regarding human rights, slavery on board and so on – yes, apart from the fishing issues, the commission also believes that Thailand should also address promptly the human rights issues,” he replied to a question from the AP.

The EU wants nations to be able to track their vessels and make sure they declare their catches to promote sustainable fishing and counter overfishing. The commission is not expected to make a ruling on the Thai issue until late next month.