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Just Picked

The Spokesman-Review Food section is débuting a new weekly feature today.

Just Picked will run Wednesdays through October.

The idea is to spotlight an ingredient that might be found at local farmers markets or in boxes from Community Supported Agriculture programs, or CSAs. These are ingredients that you might see or receive, but aren’t quite sure what to do with – especially if there’s quite a few of that particular item in that week’s CSA box.

The first spotlight is on cattails. Look for nettles, baby bok choy and garlic scapes in the coming weeks.

Have an idea for a featured ingredient? Use the contact info at the bottom of this column.

Tuesday Growers Market has moved

The Tuesday Growers Market in Moscow has moved to a new location for the 2015 season.

The market, sponsored by the Moscow Food Co-op, is made up of farmers from within 50 miles of Moscow who use sustainable and organic farming practices. Now in its 12th season, the market has partnered with the Heart of the Arts to hold the weekly event at the 1912 Center Pall Plaza.

Find more information in the Farmers Market Calendar. Or contact Holly Coleman, Tuesday Growers Market facilitator, at


This new softcover book from Kara M.L. Rosen discusses what ails you and offers recipes for juicing and pre- and post-cleansing (Mitchell Beazley, $14.99). Look inside today’s Food section for a few of them.

Do you have fresh food news? Write to: Fresh Sheet, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call (509) 459-5446 or send an email to