Man pulls handgun on convenience store employee after shoplifting, police say
A man was arrested Wednesday morning on suspicion he shoplifted from a 7-Eleven convenience store and threatened employees with a gun.
Police say Trowsdell James walked into the 7-Eleven on East 30th Avenue and started to walk out without paying. When employees confronted him, James pulled out a “black handgun” and threatened to shoot the employee, according to a Spokane Police Department statement.
Patrol officers responded and began to track James with a K9 and a drone. Citizens provided updates to officers in the area as they saw James pass. The K9 found James on 29th Avenue.
James was cooperative and taken into custody and charged with first degree robbery. He did not have a gun in his possession when arrested. James has no local criminal history but has a history in California, said Sgt. Terry Preuninger.
The investigation is ongoing and individuals with information who haven’t spoken to police can call Crime Check at (509) 456-2233.