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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

MONDAY, DEC. 12, 2005

A Christmas Quiz by John Leo

The “winter program” at Ridgeway Elementary School In Dodgeville, Wisconsin, changed the lyrics of the Christmas carol “Silent Night” to the more inclusive “Cold in the Night.” (“Cold in the night, no one in sight, winter winds whirl and bite.” ) After this success, the…

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Want to Guess Why Duane Hagadone's ...

... Staging a press conference at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Bay 3 of The Coeur d'Alene Resort? New tower? Blackwell Island? Botanical Garden? Annexing McEuen Field? Another condoplex? What?Best Guess So Far: Hagadone'll be talking about the new spa that is being built at the…

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Local Question of the Day -- 12/12/05

Issue: Quest to classify Grail creates clash: Kootenai officials, owner disagree on whether spot is bar or eatery/Taryn Brodwater, Spokesman-ReviewChief Deputy Prosecutor Lansing Haynes (at Nov. 4 hearing): "The Grail can call itself whatever it wants. The Grail is a bar. How many restaurants have…

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Best of Huckleberries Online -- 12/12/05

You may know that military contractor Brent Wilkes is referred to as “co-conspirator No. 1” by the feds investigating the bribery scandal involving former Repub congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham (pictured) of California. But did you know that Wilkes lived high on taxpayer-funded retreats in Coeur…

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SUNDAY, DEC. 11, 2005

Wild Card/Sunday -- 12/11/05

A major reason I enjoy my work with the SR Editorial Board (Publisher Stacey Cowles, Editor Steve Smith, Opinion Page Editor Doug Floyd, and Associate Editors Gary Crooks, Rebecca Nappi and myself) is the respect we have for each other -- despite the differences in…

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Hunters, Eatcher Hearts Out

A herd of elk loung in a field northwest of Argonne and Stoneman Road, Friday afternoon. The herd has been spotted in and around the field several times in the last few weeks. Kathryn Stevens/The Spokesman-Review.DFO: I thought this beauty by Kathryn Stevens was worth…

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SATURDAY, DEC. 10, 2005

Question of the Day -- 12/10/05

Issue: Gregoire asks Washington tribes to end casino smoking/Joel Connelly, Seattle PIDFO: Sounds like the Indian casinos in Washington are going to reap a windfall from the new state law that makes smokers pariahs in non-Indian business establishments.Question: If you were a tribal casino official,…

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FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 2005


The front, left, and inscription of President Bush's 2005 Christmas card. Issue: Putting the X in Xmas: Crossing names off your holiday-card list/Jack Broom, Seattle TimesHelpful Hint: "My rule of thumb ... If I haven't spoken to them in three years, or I don't know…

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NW Holiday Scenes

Adrianna Keeney, 6, of Kalispell, Mont., gets up close and personal with her work while decorating the Christmas tree in the window of her mother's hair salon Thursday. (AP Photo/The Daily Inter Lake, Chris Jordan) A herd of elk loung in a field northwest of…

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Wild Card/TGIF -- 12/9/05

As I go in search of an editorial topic, I have a confession to make -- and I do so knowing that Junior might be checking this blog (and having a fit when he reads this). When I got married, I insisted that there were…

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Question No. 2 -- 12/9/05

Former Rep. Randy 'Duke' Cunningham, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, and Rep. Tom Delay, R-Texas, are seen in undated file photos. When Republicans seized power in Congress a decade ago, they vowed to sweep out the stench of scandal and…

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WorldNetDaily Poll -- Checkbook Journalism

Issue: Saudi boasts of role in Fox News coverage: Shareholding prince says change madeafter he phoned chief Rupert Murdoch/WND Question: Is Fox News compromised by having a Saudi prince as a major investor? 1. No, Fox News is truly fair and balanced 2. No, Fox…

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THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 2005

P.S. -- Who's Your "Survivor" Fave?

Gary Hogeboom, of the the Xhakum tribe, wears the immunity necklace during the 11th episode of "Survivor: Guatemala," in Flores, in an undated photo.Issue: And then there were 5.DFO: I haven't watched "Survivor" as closely this season as I have the previous. But I've tuned…

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Best of the Local Blogs -- 12/8/05

Digital Fog provides an example of "Nativity Scenes Gone Wrong." If you haven't checked out Digital Fog's blog, he offers interesting photos and spoofs, including one today of a man caught with his pants down outside an upper-story window and other goodies here.*Cis Gors/From A…

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Ah'm Your Huckleberry ...

First, you should know that a CPD Blue was summoned to a local family's home at 7:45 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, to take a report about a 16-year-old runaway/statutory rape victim. Onward. Later, the CPD Blue spotted the alleged victim at the East Tubbs Hill…

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Peanut Gallery: How Cold Can You Go?

I heard it was 45 below in West Yellowstone, WY, last night. Coldest I ever saw as a kid in northern Minnesota, or, as ya'll would call it, North Minnesota, was 44 below -- GreenL.DFO: I've experienced 29 below during my sojourn (1977-82) in Kalispell,…

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Extra! Congress OKs Patriot Act Renewal

Issue: House, Senate reach deal on Patriot Act But Sen. Russ Feingold threatens to filibuster final version of law's renewal/Associated PressMore Info: Idaho U.S. Sen. Larry Craig opposes the extension here.Question: Do you back Congress here or do you side with Craig and U.S. Rep…

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Be Careful Out There ...

Brutus, one of the newer police dogs with the Kootenai County Sheriff Department, waits beside deputy Rich Lyons at the Sheriff's office. Because of the retirement of two dogs, Baron and Chow, Brutus has been added and another, Ringo, is in training/Jesse Tinsley, The Spokesman-Review.

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.

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