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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

THURSDAY, OCT. 6, 2005

Cha-ching! Cha-ching!

Terminated NIC instructors receive cash settlements: Tenure dispute results in two payouts of nearly $50,000 each/Taryn Brodwater, Spokesman-Review.DFO: Your tax dollars at work.

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WorldNetDaily Poll -- 10/6/05

Will Harriet Miers be confirmed to as associate justice? 1. Yes, she has strong bipartisan support 2. Yes, too many Republicans would have to defect for her not to win confirmation 3. Yes, the anger from conservatives will blow over in a few weeks 4.…

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Quick Fix 6 -- 10/6/05

1. APhoto Fix: The carcass of a six-foot American alligator is shown protruding from the mid-section of a 13-foot Burmese python Monday, in Everglades National Park, Fla., after the snake apparently swallowed the alligator resulting in the deaths of both animals.2. Cartoon Fix: Bill Schorr…

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Wild Card/Wednesday -- 10/5/05

I'm heading home soon, so I'll leave you with this Wild Card. Meanwhile, can you drop me a note via e-mail if you have trouble posting. Off and on, several of you have, including Dave Tolle in the last hour or so. Mebbe this problem…

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Top Cutlines/Wednesday -- 10/5/05

California's Happy Cows prepare for their close-ups during filming of two new television commercials promoting Real California Cheese debuting nationally this fall. You write the cutline.Top Cutlines:1. (tie) "Yeah, baby, work it. Love the camera. Give me a little turn, look back over your shoulder.…

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Outstanding in His Field

Tim Marks, a third-grade teacher at Fernan Elementary in Coeur d'Alene, is congratulated by his students after receiving the Outstanding School Employee of the Month award Tuesday/SR Photo by Jesse Tinsley.

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What Happened to Ric Clarke?

A source in Hagadonia sheds some light on the recent departure of long-time Coeur d'Alene Press reporter/editor/bottle washer Ric Clarke: "I was at the big party at the Press last week. They recognized all employees with ten years or more of employment. Ric was not…

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Are You Supermarket Savvy?

Huckleberries Online offers a simple quiz to determine how supermarket savvy you are here.Hat Tip: iVillageFeedback: I'm a savvy shopper in training. Dang candy bars at the check out line did me in -- Bre.

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DFO: Nyet to Freak Dancing

All generations fondly remember the edgy dances and music of their youth. Jitterbug. Swing. Twist. Disco. New Wave. Sexuality is part and parcel with dance. But freak dancing takes the form to the extreme. For the sake of decorum and order, a public high school…

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WorldNetDaily Poll -- Pagan Symbols

Item: Vet fights for Wiccan symbol on headstone: Says Hollywood wrongly associates pentacle with demonic cults, rituals/WorldNetDaily.WND Daily Poll Question: Should the VA engrave Wiccan symbols for free on military headstones? 1. Yes, of course – military service entitles everyone to equal treatment 2. Yes,…

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Quick Fix 6 -- 10/5/05

1. APhoto Fix: Marines from 3rd Platoon, Company K, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, and soldiers of the Iraqi Security Forces survey an area while patrol the streets of Haditha, Iraq while in search of insurgents on Tuesday.The U.S. military is waging two major offensives…

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TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 2005

Wild Card/Tuesday -- 10/4/05

I'm still mulling the "Oprah" show with Steve Groene this afternoon. (You can find a trailer to that show here.) I'm not emotional. But I noticed my eyes were threatening to leak. There was nothing new about the information re: the show. But seeing Oprah…

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Best of the Local Blogs -- 10/4/05

Marianne Love/Slight Detour provides this shot of her Mother Tibbs and the family's youngest great-grandchild along with many other photos of summer and early fall on her blog today here.*Family Phil/A Family Runs Thru It posted his own best-of roundup for mom and pop blogs.…

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In the "Where Are They Now" Dept ...

U.S. Nazi Supporter in Ireland? FBI sez ex-Sandpoint outlaw Vincent Bertollini has mail forwarded across the sea/Sean O'Driscoll, Irish Voice.DFO: Bonner County has a nice, warm jail cell waiting for Richard Butler's old buddy should he happen to set foot back in this country.

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Huckleberries Hears ...

...that a group of Wallace High students were in the audience today as the Idaho Supreme Court re-heard arguments re: Jack Simpson's intrusive fence on Sanders Beach. John Magnuson, who is representing Simpson and East Lakeshore Drive land barons, was pleased to see the students,…

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Definition: "Freak Dancing"

Merriam Webster says: Main Entry: freak·ing Pronunciation: 'frE-k&n, -ki[ng]Function: adjective or adverbEtymology: euphemism for frigging or (f-bomb): DAMNED -- used as an intensive Urban dictionary says:1. freaking: Obscene dancing which simulates sex by the grinding the of the genetailia with suggestive sounds/movements. often done to…

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.