Rep. Clark: ‘A strong conservative’
As the candidates in the GOP primary race for the 1st CD continue to try to out-conservative each other, Rep. Raul Labrador's campaign has put out a statement from "Conservative Representative Jim Clark," a Hayden Lake Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, backing Labrador in his race against Iraq war veteran Vaughn Ward, whose Web site touts "conservative Republican values." Here's Clark's statement:
“I am extremely encouraged by today’s announcement that my colleague and fellow conservative Raul Labrador is running for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District. I have known Raul for some time and have served with him in the Idaho Legislature and I have seen firsthand what a strong and principled conservative Raul is. When Raul was first elected to the Idaho House of Representatives, I looked into his background, education, and legal experience and came away with the belief that he was a strong conservative and a good leader. I was proud to serve with him on my committee and his voting record has been nothing but conservative. Whether the issue is taxes, protecting the sanctity of life, fighting to reduce the size and cost of government, or immigration, Raul Labrador has been there in the trenches fighting for conservative values and I am confident that, if elected to Congress, he will continue to stand up for conservative principles in Washington."
Number of times the statement contains the word 'conservative': Six.