Candidates, candidates, candidates…
Idaho County Commissioner Jim Chmelik has filed paperwork with the state to challenge Lt. Gov. Brad Little in the GOP primary, Lewiston Tribune reporter Bill Spence reports; you can see his full post here. Chmelik, 53, is a second-term county commissioner and an outspoken advocate of state takeover of federal lands. “I think we're going down the wrong road and I'm going to stand up and say something about it,” he told Spence.
Meanwhile, Randy Jensen, a longtime middle school principal in American Falls and the 2005 national principal of the year, has filed paperwork to challenge state schools Superintendent Tom Luna in the GOP primary; Jensen, 52, plans an announcement in Boise on Friday. “I think it’s a critical time in education right now in Idaho, and I think I have the leadership skills … to bring everyone together to do good things for kids,” he said.
And today, Idaho Education News reported on another GOP candidate for state superintendent: Cottonwood school teacher John Eynon, an outspoken opponent of the new Idaho Core Standards. Idaho EdNews reporter Kevin Richert reports that Eynon filed paperwork naming a campaign treasurer on Friday, and his campaign website is emblazoned with the slogan, “Common Sense, NOT Common Core.” You can read Richert’s full post here.