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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Daily Briefing


And it feels so good.

Our e-mail is working again - so it will be easier for readers and Jim West's lawyers to reach us. Good thing, too, because MSN was very prompt in taking down the address we had set up, which apparently violated their user agreement forbidding commercial use of the product. In retrospect, we should have known better. But you know what they say about hindsight.

War games

Today's 7 piece on war re-enactors raised some interesting questions. Do people from other countries re-enact wars? What do veterans, or soldiers currently fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan, think about the idea of war as a theatrical exercise? Do these re-enactments glorify combat, or bring us closer to history?

Speaking of 7

Tom Bowers' restaurant notes failed to mention the location of Pacific Avenue Pizza - it's at Pacific and Cannon, next door to Tawney's Cleaners (that's the big white building with the mural, across from the Elk).

OK, so who is it?

One of today's opinion columns had an overline attributing it to Cal Thomas, but a photo of Thomas Sowell. Both are conservatives, so it could be a fun game to guess who actually wrote the piece - and if you chose Cal Thomas, you're right. This was a production error that's easy to make (the columnist mugs are all stored in a directory and pulled in by the copy editor who lays out the page) but probably should have been caught.

"5 o'clock lightning"

Our Idaho bureau had its hands full pulling together the story on Coeur d'Alene being named a finalist for a $29 million community center grant on short notice. We didn't find out about the story until 4:30 p.m. or so, which doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for tracking down public officials.

Coming up

BNSF is giving Rathdrum and Hauser residents a free train ride from the refueling depot to Sandpoint - Idaho reporter Erica Curless will be along for the ride.

The retirement of teacher Connie Evans after 32 years comes as her school, Hayden Lake Elementary, is closing. Reporter Taryn Brodwater will look at how the changes in CdA's school system will impact students and teachers.

Each weekday morning and afternoon, the newsroom staff meets to discuss the coverage plan. This blog covers editors' discussions, upcoming coverage and miscellaneous newsroom news.