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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Daily Briefing

Happy Spring Break - Now here’s the morning rundown…

It's going to be a strange slow week around here when a lot of newsroom staffers are taking off days to hang with their kids for spring break (slight modifications in Daily Briefing this week also).

Meanwhile, newspapers are still scheduled for every day of the week, and stuff still has to go into them - Watch for stories related to the Our Kids: Our Business campaign, analyzing polls e.g. public opinion polls related to child abuse. Also watch for the final for the NCAA women taking place tonight at the Arena, and also related to newspaper content, Doug Clark is on vacation and his column returns April 17.

The weekend that was

The story about WSU coach Tony Bennett came about because sports reporter Vince Grippi got a phone call from Bennett over the weekend - it helped to have great connections.

• Editor Steve Smith did get a couple voicemails from a gentleman who wanted to see more coverage on studded snow tires and believed The Spokesman-Review is biased against people with studded tires. On this subject, there's a story in today's paper.

• Kudos to staff graphics/art guru Molly Quinn for the illustration at right, for the story about mutts that appeared Sunday in the Today section.

Video for the day

Shadle Park High School student Jeayoung Yoo takes a fiberglass cow and paints on a fantastic layer of French Revolution!

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Each weekday morning and afternoon, the newsroom staff meets to discuss the coverage plan. This blog covers editors' discussions, upcoming coverage and miscellaneous newsroom news.