Where does it end?

Good morning, Netizens...
Rupert Murdoch stands atop the news universe just like David Horsey's excellent cartoon this morning, and until its demise his News of the World pretty much reigned supreme.
If you really want to know how big the news conglomerate owned by Rupert Murdoch is, all you have to do is peruse this Wikipedia list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assets_owned_by_News_Corporation
There are some who are still asking why Murdoch shut down News of the World, and to them I say, the erosion probably isn't over yet, that the investigations into how this hacking of people and their privacy concerns is not over yet, by a long shot. Just how far does the damage reach? Are there any other Murdoch-owned properties suspect, even with News of the World shuttered? Although I cannot answer that question, this morning's David Horsey cartoon alludes to it, and perhaps rightfully so.
The obvious issue is the sanctity of journalism. Using hacking or other illegal means of subterfuge to obtain the news simply was not allowed in my day, nor I suspect of nearly any serious journalism students of my generation. Thinking back to the various editors I have worked for over the years, I cannot think of a single person who would have tolerated hacking into personal information as part of creating a news story. This isn't investigative journalism we are speaking here: this is a dangerous descent from the tacit rules of journalism
into uncontrolled violations of our personal privacy and thus should never be tolerated.
So how do you stop someone as incredibly powerful and wealthy as Rupert Murdoch from ever allowing such a travesty from happening again? Alas, were it as simple as a Star Wars scenario... Of course your thoughts and beliefs may differ.