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Community Comment archive for Jan. 1, 2012


A Word A Day -- gainsay

September 06, 2012 Word of the Day gainsay \gayn-SAY\ DEFINITION verb 1 : to declare to be untrue or invalid 2 : contradict, oppose EXAMPLES There is no doubt that their work makes a useful contribution, but it does not provide enough evidence to gainsay…

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Take me out to the ball game..,. 

Good morning, Netizens... Can you imagine Michelle Obama as a baseball pitcher for a major league baseball team? Instead of the sleek form-fitting silk dress she wore last night before the Democratic National Convention, she might show up sporting a baseball uniform and packing a…

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A Word A Day -- inimitable

September 05, 2012 Word of the Day inimitable \in-IM-it-uh-bul\ DEFINITION adjective : not capable of being imitated : matchless EXAMPLES "He is involved in roughly six projects, most of them part time and some dormant. Each is different from the others and to each, say…

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 4, 2012

A Word A Day -- ecstatic

September 04, 2012 Word of the Day ecstatic \ek-STAT-ik\ DEFINITION adjective : of, relating to, or marked by rapturous delight EXAMPLES Naomi's face was ecstatic as she accepted first prize in the essay contest. "Jordan Staal would much rather play with his brother than against…

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MONDAY, SEPT. 3, 2012

A Word A Day -- caduceus

September 03, 2012 Word of the Day caduceus \kuh-DOO-see-us\ DEFINITION noun 1 : the symbolic staff of a herald; specifically : a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top 2 : an insignia bearing a caduceus and symbolizing…

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SUNDAY, SEPT. 2, 2012

The price of war... 

Good evening, Netizens... I've read one hell of a lot of comments and blogs over the last 48 hours about Clint Eastwood's diatribe spoken before the Republican National Convention, some good, some irreverent and some only marginal. Having read a lot of texts of the…

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A Word A Day -- wend 

September 02, 2012 Word of the Day wend \WEND\ DEFINITION verb : to direct one's course : travel, proceed EXAMPLES The hikers wended through the forest's trails. "Improvements in wastewater treatment and conservation upgraded the water quality of the river, which wends its way nearly…

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A Word A Day -- aborning

September 01, 2012 Word of the Day aborning \uh-BOR-ning\ DEFINITION adverb : while being born or produced EXAMPLES The bill was introduced in the Senate last year, but it died aborning. "We've all put aside the social task that we wanted to take the time…

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FRIDAY, AUG. 31, 2012

One down, one to go... 

Good morning, Netizens... I plead guilty to having all but abandoned my duties as moderator of Community Comment in favor of watching and listening to the Republican National Convention. Most of it was, as I expected, an endless litany of self-congratulatory speeches in favor of…

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A Word A Day -- inspissate

August 31, 2012 Word of the Day inspissate \in-SPISS-ayt\ DEFINITION verb : to make or become thick or thicker EXAMPLES "Marmalade of carrots is the juice of yellow carrots, inspissated till it is of the thickness of fluid honey, or treacle, which last it resembles…

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THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 2012

A Word A Day -- servile

August 30, 2012 Word of the Day servile \SER-vul\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : of or befitting a slave or a menial position 2 : meanly or cravenly submissive : abject EXAMPLES Maura was embarrassed at the way her mother demanded servile behavior from store employees.…

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 29, 2012

A Word A Day -- benison

August 29, 2012 Word of the Day benison \BEN-uh-sun\ DEFINITION noun : blessing, benediction EXAMPLES The candidate sought the benison of the popular pastor in the hope of gaining both spiritual and political support. "On warm(ish) days, the soft rain feels like a benison, pattering…

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TUESDAY, AUG. 28, 2012

A Word A Day -- aliment

August 28, 2012 Word of the Day aliment \AL-uh-munt\ DEFINITION noun : food, nutriment; also : sustenance EXAMPLES "In the Propontis, as far as I can learn, none of that peculiar substance called brit is to be found, the aliment of the right whale." —…

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MONDAY, AUG. 27, 2012

A Word A Day -- sansculotte

August 27, 2012 Word of the Day sansculotte \sanz-koo-LAHT\ DEFINITION noun 1 : an extreme radical republican in France at the time of the Revolution 2 : a radical or violent extremist in politics EXAMPLES "At the time of the French Revolution, the rampaging sansculottes…

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A Word A Day -- sedulous

August 26, 2012 Word of the Day sedulous \SEJ-uh-lus\ DEFINITION adjective 1 : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance 2 : diligent in application or pursuit EXAMPLES Daphne was a sedulous student whose hard work and determination earned her a number of college scholarships. "We…

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SATURDAY, AUG. 25, 2012

Marty Hibbs takes two shots...

Good morning, Netizens... It comes as no surprise that yesterday morning, while over coffee at one of our favorite dining places, I learned that my friend of many years, Marty Hibbs, recently had a serious heart attack while in Scared Heart Hospital, and had to…

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A Word A Day -- belaud

August 25, 2012 Word of the Day belaud \bih-LAWD\ DEFINITION verb : to praise usually to excess EXAMPLES Supporters belauded the idea as a magic bullet for all social problems in the country. "Several cheers went up. Piccard, unaware of the scene unfolding behind him,…

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FRIDAY, AUG. 24, 2012

A Word A Day never-never-land

August 24, 2012 Word of the Day never-never land \nev-er-NEV-er-LAND\ DEFINITION noun : an ideal or imaginary place EXAMPLES Lester seems to think he lives in some kind of never-never land where people don't have to accept responsibility for their actions. "China's pride of ownership…

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THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 2012

Could he be the one? 

Good evening, Netizens... I believe our Mayor, the Boy Wonder of Spokane, has spoken, and other than a ditched effort on the part of the Spokane City Council (which seems unlikely at this point in time) Dr. Frank Straub is now our new Chief of…

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A Word A Day -- dundrearies

August 23, 2012 Word of the Day dundrearies \dun-DREER-eez\ DEFINITION noun plural : long flowing sideburns EXAMPLES Many of the Civil War reenactors were sporting dundrearies to give their costumes a look of authenticity. "Although as a Victorian man he lacks the vocabulary to express…

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22, 2012

A Word A Day -- ramose

August 22, 2012 Word of the Day ramose \RAY-mohss\ DEFINITION adjective : consisting of or having branches EXAMPLES "On a coral reef something analogous happens when ramose corals grow upward to create a structure resistant to waves and current...." — Les S. Kaufman in Coral…

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TUESDAY, AUG. 21, 2012

Rest in Peace...

Good afternoon, Netizens... For the sake of all the various gray-beards in our midst, Scott McKenzie, one of the voices of the 60's passed away today. Best known for his song, “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair),” which was released in…

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A Word A Day -- dyslogistic

August 21, 2012 Word of the Day dyslogistic \diss-luh-JISS-tik\ DEFINITION adjective : uncomplimentary EXAMPLES The blogger used many dyslogistic adjectives to express his dissatisfaction with the mayor. "One answer lies in ... the dyslogistic school of memoir written by former officials who present themselves as…

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SUNDAY, AUG. 19, 2012

A Word A Day -- de minimis

August 19, 2012 Word of the Day de minimis \dee-MIN-uh-mus\ DEFINITION adjective : lacking significance or importance : so minor as to merit disregard EXAMPLES Critics complain that the new policy merely introduces de minimis modifications and does nothing to amend the real faults in…

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SATURDAY, AUG. 18, 2012

A Word A Day -- peruse

August 18, 2012 Word of the Day peruse \puh-ROOZ\ DEFINITION verb 1 a : to examine or study attentively and in detail b : to look over or through in a casual or hasty manner 2 : read EXAMPLES Genevieve perused the menu while we…

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