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Community Comment archive for Jan. 1, 2012

TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012

A Word A Day ends...

Good afternoon, Netizens... It is with profound sadness that I must announce that the daily item known to one and all as A Word A Day will no longer be carried by Community Comment due to a copyright violation. Simply because I truly worship the…

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MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2012

On sick leave. 

Good evening, Netizens... At my ripening age in life, I am constantly surrounded by a mix of old and true friends, and a few ghosts that drift aimlessly around my memories giving me vast and plentiful memories of my past. What is perhaps most-distressing to…

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Not-so-serious criminal intent... 

Good morning, Netizens... Egods, it's just after 1:00 AM and as often is my habit, I have crawled forth from my bed-cave to answer an old man's natural call and check the news wires after an otherwise very arduous and terribly sad day of mayhem…

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TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012

David Horsey; Los Angeles Times

Vladimir Putin feeding war in Syria...

Good morning, Netizens... Vladimir Putin has never truly been a choir boy for democracy, or so suggests cartoonist extraordinaire David Horsey. In fact, aside from having served as a former KGB agent, Putin is as diabolical and just plain mean-spirited as the Russians were during…

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Post boom-boom....

Good morning, Netizens... In case you slept completely through it, last night we had one of Spokane's occasional thunderstorms, complete with sporadic heavy rains and hail. Having lived in the Midwest and portions of the Deep South, I suppose last night's thunderstorms weren't really all…

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SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2012

Open letter to our Mayor and City Attorney... 

5/24/2012 DELIVERED IN PERSON Tony Bamonte 1308 E. 29th Avenue Spokane, WA 99203 Spokane Mayor David Condon Spokane City Attorney Nancy Isserlis City of Spokane, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Dear Mayor Condon and City Attorney Isserlis: Recent developments have exposed criminal…

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FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012

Recommendations to the Commission: 

Good morning, Netizens... Last night the Use of Force Commission met and heard testimony on recommendations for enhancing police accountability. The sad part is that none of the Spokane news media were in attendance, despite the number of reasons they should have been. However, former…

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Associated Press

Ray Bradbury dies at age 91...

Good afternoon, Netizens... Ray Bradbury, one of my personal heroes, a Pulitzer Prize winning writer who paved the road of imagination for an entire generation of those who still believe in its power, has died at age 91 yesterday, and I fear the world of…

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FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2012

Breast-Feeding Service Moms Gagged

Two local servicewomen who posed for photos in uniform as they breast-fed their children say they have been silenced by superiors. The photos, meanwhile, have spread across the Web amid a fresh wave of debate about breast-feeding in public. The photos were part of a…

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MONDAY, MAY 28, 2012

Heroes in our midst... 

Good morning, Netizens... The morning's picture: Members of Rolling Thunder salute during the presentation of colors during the annual Rolling Thunder rally on the National Mall ahead of Memorial Day in Washington, Sunday, May 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Here we are at Memorial Day,…

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David Horsey, Los Angeles Times

The art of procreation... 

Good morning, Netizens... According to the U.S. Census Bureau, moms who are Latino, Asian, African American or mixed race are now giving birth to just over 50% of American babies. When you look at the numbers, the median age of European heritage is 42 while…

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TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012

The City and the Zehm family settle... 

Good morning, Netizens... At least viewing from the outside, the Otto Zehm debacle is over after last night's City Council meeting, when the Council unanimously ratified a $1.67 million dollar settlement with the Zehm family. Aside from the money, the Zehm family will receive a…

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THURSDAY, MAY 17, 2012

It's about time!

Good morning, Netizens... I've been waiting patiently as all the various members of the news media have danced a fandango over the proposed settlement between the City of Spokane and the Otto Zehm family, but I still have not seen anyone with either the honesty…

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SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2012

It's Mother's Day!

It’s Mother’s Day – MY day – when I am supposed to be the Queen for the Day, waited on hand and foot, breakfast in bed with burnt toast and undone eggs and relishing every single little bite. Only, not today – both my sons…

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FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2012

David Horsey, Los Angeles Times

The Yemeni social culture of bombing...

Good morning, Netizens... David Horsey has the temerity of a street smart gangster from the East Los Angeles Hood, with testicles the size of footballs. During my observation of him, he has taken on nearly every political and social figure one could ever think of,…

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David Horsey

Rootie tootie and prostitutie... 

Good morning, Netizens... America's image has taken a severe hit with the scandal of the Secret Service, members of the Armed Forces in Columbia. This gives President Obama yet another mini-crisis that the Republicans can use against him. After thinking a moment, recalling former President…

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When a funnel drops from the sky...

Good evening, Netizens... When was the last time you huddled perhaps in your basement or in an underground storm cellar listening to the sounds as a tornado ripped your house to shreds? How many of you have seen a tornado up close and personal, like…

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MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012

Rocky Treppeidi

Rocky Treppiedi is fired... 

Good afternoon, Netizens... Some of the stench that has lingered for what some have said was far too long is gone now, thanks to Mayor David Condon. That's right, Rocky Treppediedi was fired, effective today. Although Spokane City Attorney Nancy Isserlis actually did the firing,…

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FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2012

Are we finally accountable? 

Good morning, Netizens... Interim Spokane Police Chief Scott Stevens publicly acknowledged yesterday that the Spokane Police Department made troubling mistakes while investigating the 2006 confrontation that resulted in the death of Otto Zehm. Stephens went on to state that he disagrees with Assistant U.S. Attorney…

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Seattle Times

Could this be Sarah Palin? 

Good morning, Netizens... Bellevue Police spokesperson Carla Iafrate appeared during a news conference about missing 2-year-old Sky Metalwala, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011, but left some unanswered questions regarding her possible resemblance to self-styled media sensation and politician, Sarah Palin. Dave peers curiously at her hand,…

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The Deep Dive...

Good morning, Netizens... Last week when James Cameron took a one-man submersible submarine to the depths of the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench, thus establishing a new record for a one man dive, I guess I suspected that Cameron would probably make a film of his…

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David Horsey,Los Angeles Times...

Did Trayvon Martin die because he was black? 22 

Good morning, Netizens... There is a great deal of righteous indignation surrounding the shooting death of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin and according to cartoonist David Horsey, rightfully so, and I couldn't agree more. The shooter, George Zimmerman, an overzealous block watch volunteer carrying a gun,…

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Insanity Wild Card 

Let's talk about something that really riles me in a big way - the proposed bill to invasive ultrasound testing required for women who are considering abortion. First - I am for all life. I love babies. I loved being pregnant. But I was fortunate…

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