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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

The heaviest thoughts…

The media is filled with it. A legion of younger hungry single men all foam at the mouth upon command at the thought of it. Even that wonderfully-obscure male bastion of societal correctness, the Super Bowl, is filled to over-filled with only thinly vague references to it. But at my humble temporary headquarters, Adult Day Health, little mention is made of it. I am speaking of SEX of course.

We, who spend our mornings together, myself, Betty, Patty Cakes, Beulah and Colleen, each have our own thoughts on the matter. Nearly all of us have been or are still married although we haven't broached that subject but we all find the issues of sexuality, which all of us faced in the earlier phases of our lives, to be a portion of our past lives, to be viewed from a safe distance, with great circumspection.

I guess I should be grateful the equipment only marginally works these days. That leaves more time for writing.

Having said that, I have great love and deep compassion for all the women who sit with me each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each of them in their own separate ways, have nearly reduced me to tears on a few occasions speaking about their lives and loves, and from each of them I have learned a bit more about this new life I am living as well as how it feels to each of them. I have set them all to laughing hysterically when I begin reciting the chorus to an old favored song I know. The chorus goes like this:

Yeah, my arches fell, my chest went to hell
And my butt's a-draggin' the floor
An' I just don't look good naked anymore
No, I just don't look good naked anymore

That and my tales about the earthiness of the “ladies in the lobby”, that grandest of all cattle auctions held at Denver's posh Brown's Palace, which I observed several times, always sets the women giggling. I hasten to remind them that our own Davenport Hotel has had a history of cattle in the lobby, but I don't know if Walt Worthy will continue that great tradition.

Well, that is about all the time I have this afternoon. If I could it, I would easily spend three days per week instead of two. But now we proceed upward and onward.

Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.