Headlines @ Closin’ Time
*Bush's victory speech: Read transcript of president's talk to supporters/WND: Music to my ears.
*Kerry's concession speech: Read the transcript of senator's acknowledgment of Bush victory/WND: Long-winded but suh-weet.
*Moral issues drove voters: Christian advocates, media pundits agree on believers' impact/WorldNetDaily: Onward Christian soldiers ... marching as to war ... with the cross of Jesus going on before ...
*Zogby concedes mistake: Pollster predicted strong Kerry electoral win yesterday/WND: Mistake? Wearing white socks with black slacks is a mistake. Zogby flat blew it. Remind me to never ever listen to this guy again.
*Landslide for Obama: Democrat easily beats Alan Keyes for Senate seat/WND: Can't win 'em all.