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Huckleberries Online

Tuesday Quick Fix 6 (11/9/04)

I needed a day off yesterday after the intensity and work involved in the recent elections. Dunno what life's going to be like without J. Flipflop Kerry to kick around. But life goes on. And we must do so also. At this point, we should join together in praying for our brave Marines to clean out that rat's nest in Fallujah. Those who love peace in this world owe these brave troops a big debt of gratitude.

1. Political 'Toon Fix: Paul Nowak wonders why all the lippy Planet Hollyweird stars and starlets haven't left the country here, and Chuck Asay looks at the regrets between Elephants and Donkeys here.

2. Humor Fix: Jay D. Dyson has a message for turncoat Repub Arlen Specter and the obstructionist Democrats here.

3. My Way Fix: This Day in History here, This Day in Music here, Today's Birthdays here, and Positive Quote here.

4. Top of the News Fix: Arafat: Dead or alive? here, U.S. forces push through Fallujah's center here, Carville: Demo party must be born again here, Howard Dean to become DNC chairman? here, and Blue states buzz over secession here.

5. Poll Fix: You think the majority of Americans are pro-choice? Think again. The pro-choicer claim a majority by including individuals who support abortion only in rare instances (rape, incest, life of the mother in danger). Add these folks to the pro-life side where they belong and 55 percent of America opposes abortion. And their votes made a difference last Tuesday here.

6. Opinion Fix: National Review (Keep Orrin Hatch as judiciary chair), Wall Street Journal (Time for conservative justices), Michael Medved (Hollywood activists vow to keep it up), Ralph Peters (Finishing Fallujah), and Carlos Watson (George Bush's political genius).

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.