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Huckleberries Online

HBO’s Best of the Friends Blogs — 4/19/07

Toadman/Synaptic Disunion introduces us to his third little pollywog with the words: "These are my eyes. I have never seen anything with them. Look into my eyes and see the mystery that is life. Hello, world here.

*Wayward Episcopalian Nathan Empsall writes from Dartmouth: "It's hard for me to gauge reaction at Dartmouth, as I've been holed up in my dorm or office the last couple days, and did not attend last night's vigil. From what little I can tell, the dominant reaction, in addition to sadness, seems to be one of "Oh my God, that could happen here!" here.

*Among his latest tidbits post, Idaho Escapee/Atmospheric Ruminations sez: "I found three "sand dollars" when I was walking on the ocean beach the other day. This is noteworthy because most of the sand dollars that wash up on the particular beach I stroll on are usually broken to bits. Not these. And I thought, "how totally cool" here.

*Inland Empire Girl/Gathering Around the Table presents her "20 Ways You Can Tell You Grew Up in Kellogg, Idaho" here.

*Peanut sez there's a reason she carries a cell phone around in her pocket and not her purse. It has the emergency numbers of the police and friends -- and, yes, she's called them in emergencies here.

*TUBOB describes his son, Shane: "He took to fishing at a very young age and was an expert caster in no time. He used to just fish and fish, casting and casting, and never seeming too upset if he didn't catch anything. I think he just loved the mechanics of fishing poles and casting and reeling. This is the boy who at the age of 3 used to take my screwdrivers and remove hinges from inside doors and unscrew outlet covers. Always been an object related dude" here.

*Brent/Chronic Discontent recalls a worse massacre than Virginia Tech here.

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.