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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

Luna Distracted With iPad - Fails To Follow Directions

According to Idaho Statesman's Dan Popkey, facilitator Lauren Morando Rhim asked members of the Students Come First Technology Task Force to respect colleagues' time, attend regularly and arrive promptly to complete their duty to make recommendations to the Legislature by Jan. 31. 

"To the degree that it's possible, I would encourage you all to turn off your technology and stay focused on what you're discussing at hand," Rhim told the group at its opening meeting Monday. "It will enable you to contribute in a much more significant and meaningful way. There are breaks built into all the agendas so that you can check in with your office, but please be present during the committee meetings."

Luna viewed his iPad during much of the 45 minutes he spent in Monday's Online Learning Implementation subcommittee.  You can read about this and a couple of other examples here.  (SR Photo 2010)

Ummm.  What?  Sorry.  I got distracted by my computer.  Ugggghhhh -- what were we commenting on again?

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.