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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

Duane: I Like Otter

Duane Rasmussen (RE: IACI ad brands Balukoff as 'liberal'): I like Otter. I consider him a friend. I have visited with him on several occasions. Sometimes without anyone else present. He always greets me by name. In my sincere opinion he will continue to make an excellent Governor when he is elected in November. The fears people have about him are without credible foundation.

Question: I appreciate a Republican who is willing to say he likes Otter. Anyone else?

D.F. Oliveria
D.F. (Dave) Oliveria joined The Spokesman-Review in 1984. He currently is a columnist and compiles the Huckleberries Online blog and writes about North Idaho in his Huckleberries column.

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