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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Matter of Opinion

Drive at 5: World ending in 2012?

(Poster from On the Beach, the 1950s film in which the world ends in 1964 due to nuclear war.)

Hah! Did I get your attention? Pretending to be a blogger whose livelihood depends on hits. (Shouldn't joke. Could happen!)

Anyway, on your way home, ponder this: There are several predictions that the world will end, finally, in 2012. I first heard about it over the weekend in a History Channel documentary, but I am way behind the doomsday curve.

Read the USA Today story about the predictions.

So last question of this day: You have four years left. Plans?

A Matter of Opinion is really a matter of three opinions – those held by the people responsible for the opinion pages of The Spokesman-Review. Check in regularly to find out what they’re up to, what they think and where they differ and to joust with them if you want.