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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outdoors blog archive for Jan. 1, 2014

MONDAY, OCT. 27, 2014

FRIDAY, OCT. 24, 2014

LaFawn Sutton poses with the whitetail buck in velvet she killed during the archery season on her family’s property north of Spokane in September. (Rich Landers)

Photo contest focused on women hunters

OUTPHOTO – Washington’s modern rifle elk season opens Saturday, giving sportsmen another chance to put aside the rifle, pick up the camera and snap a good photo of the girl or woman out for the hunt. For the fourth year, the Washington Department of Fish…

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THURSDAY, OCT. 23, 2014

Andrus favors Boulder-White Clouds monument

PUBLIC LANDS -- While a Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, requests a little more time to persuade his party's naysayers to let him usher in a new Idaho wilderness, former Idaho Gov. Cecil Andrus says it's time for action: Andrus urges Idaho Boulder-White Clouds be named…

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22, 2014

TUESDAY, OCT. 21, 2014

Yakima River stretch opening for coho

FISHING -- A coho fishing season will open on the “middle” Yakima River on Wednesday, Oct. 22, -- for both hatchery and wild fish, the Washington Fish and Wildlife Department has just announced. Location: From the Interstate 82 bridge at Union Gap to the “closed…

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This 50-pound fall chinook salmon was caught in September using downriggers and plug-cut herring on the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River.
 (Rich Landers / The Spokesman-Review)

Hanford Reach fall chinook still on the bite

FISHING -- "The number of anglers fishing for salmon in the Hanford Reach continues to slowly decline but the fishing remains excellent with 2.7 fall chinook landed per boat," says Paul Hoffarth, Washington Fish and Wildlife Department Columbia River biologist in the Tri-Cities. An estimated…

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Brad McQuarrie of Mt. Spokane Ski and Snowboard Park is seeking an expansion to put runs on the mountain’s Northwest face.

Mt. Spokane ski area expansion meeting Nov. 19

STATE PARKS -- The controversial proposal to expand the downhill ski area at Mount Spokane State Park will get another public hearing in Spokane Valley next month. The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission has announced a special evening public meeting to take testimony about…

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Ethan Crawford caught a 9.4-pound coho in the Clearwater River to set an Idaho state record during the weekend of Oct. 18-19, 2014.

Idaho record coho caught on Clearwater

FISHING -- Idaho's first specific coho fishing season opened Friday on the Clearwater River and before the weekend was over, the state had a new record for coho salmon. Ethan Crawford caught a 9.4-pound coho in the Clearwater and had it officially weighed, according to…

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MONDAY, OCT. 20, 2014

Elk jam into the National Elk Refuge near Jackson, Wyo., during winter, where a feeding program has been running for decades to prevent starvation. (Associated Press)

Rare hunt for national park elk underway

HUNTING — A unique annual elk hunt in a national park began Saturday. The Grand Teton National Park’s annual elk reduction program will run until Nov. 2. Congress allowed the “controlled reduction” of elk when the park was created in 1950. Hunting is not allowed…

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N. Fork Clearwater road closed for repairs

FISHING -- The North Fork of Clearwater River Road 247 will be closed starting tomorrow, Oct. 21, at milepost 39.3, at Flat Creek for the removal of an aquatic organism barrier culvert, the Clearwater-Nez Perce National Forests announced today. The road closure will run no…

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N. Cascades Highway closing for construction

OUTDOOR TRAVEL -- A 10-mile stretch of North Cascades Highway in northcentral Washington will be closed for 34 hours starting Tuesday morning, with no detour route. From 6 a.m. Tuesday through 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21-22, Highway 20 will be closed between Granite Creek and…

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Outdoors blog

Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.

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