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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outdoors blog

Fat-biking event to celebrate Ground Hog Day

WINTER SPORTS -- The region's first bicycling event of the year will bring out fat bikes to celebrate Groundhog Day at St. Maries, Idaho.

The Groundhog Day Fat Bike Festival is technically called Murmelteirtagfettfahrradsfest, which the organizers enjoy pointing out is a German-named ride on an American holiday at a Mexican restaurant.

Here are the details:

What: A Fat Bike Cross Country Ride at the Christmas Hills Recreation Area trail system. 

When: Starting at noon on Sunday, Feb. 2.

Distance: Around 15 miles of snow-groomed trails with optional technical adventures.

Why: To celebrate the time-honored tradition of using an over-sized rodent to predict the coming of Spring.  Also, to throw a party after being cold and wet for four months.

Where:  Start and finish at St. Maries Golf Course/Casa de Oro parking lot, 900 Golf Course Rd. in St. Maries.

Cost:   $5 donation requested for mid-ride snacks and gas for the groomer. Sign up day of event. Any extra cash will be donated to the St. Maries Masonic Lodge Restoration Fund.

Says organizer Tom Miller: "The Christmas Hill trail system is multi-use and is open year-round for everyone to enjoy.  Come to St. Maries and give it a spin before the ride." 

For current trail information or questions, contact Tom Miller at The Bike Shop at Hughes Ace,  (208) 245-6544 email

Rich Landers
Rich Landers joined The Spokesman-Review in 1977. He is the Outdoors editor for the Sports Department writing and photographing stories about hiking, hunting, fishing, boating, conservation, nature and wildlife and related topics.

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