Hanford Reach fall chinook salmon fishery enhancements
Read up on the latest from the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife on the fall chinook salmon fishery enhancements on the Hanford Reach.
1. Daily limit 6 salmon, up to three (3) may be adult salmon. Once the daily limit of adult salmon is retained, anglers may not continue to fish for any species for the remainder of the day.
2. The Columbia River between the Highway 395 Bridge and the Old Hanford townsite wooden powerline towers is open to fishing for salmon through Oct. 31, 2014.
3. Fishing with two poles is permitted from the Highway 395 Bridge in Pasco to Priest Rapids Dam if the angler possesses a two-pole license endorsement.
4. The area of the Columbia River along the Franklin county shoreline between the markers located 100 feet upstream and 100 feet downstream of the Ringold Springs Hatchery Creek and extending in a 100-foot radius (arc) towards mid-river is closed to all fishing.
5. The Esquatzel Coulee (Block 1) irrigation wasteway embayment at the Columbia River in Franklin Co. is closed to all fishing from Sept. 1 through Nov. 30.
Effective date: Aug. 1, 2014.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: Columbia River from Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco to Priest Rapids Dam.
Reason for action: The fall chinook forecast for the Hanford Reach area of the Columbia River is expected to exceed 200,000 adults, well in excess of the spawning escapement and hatchery broodstock needs.
Other information: Anglers must use barbless hooks when fishing for salmon or steelhead. Anglers must have a current Washington fishing license as well as a Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Endorsement (CRSSE). Revenue from the CRSSE supports salmon or steelhead seasons on many rivers in the Columbia River system.
Information contacts: Paul Hoffarth, District 4 Fish Biologist, (509) 545-2284 (Pasco) or John Easterbrooks, Regional Fish Program Manager, (509) 457-9330.
Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet <http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/