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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control

MYVote goes quadra-lingual

OLYMPIA -- The state Elections Division has expanded its help to register voters and get them information about the candidates and ballot issues they face on this year's ballot to include three languages besides English.

MyVote now offers links to voter registration and information in Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese on the Secretary of State's website.

A voter who isn't fluent in English but is in one of those languages can enter their first and last name and birthdate (or nombre/apellido.fecha de nacimiento, ten goi/ten ho/ngay sinh, or in traditional Chinese characters that aren't available on the computer that handles this blog) and  see all the details on who's on his or her ballot.

It's the work of the division's minority language coordinator, Cristina Labra, and it's up and running in advance of the deadline for registering online to vote in the Aug. 7 primary, which is coming up on July 9.

The Spokesman-Review's political team keeps a critical eye on local, state and national politics.