Preps, transitioning to hoops
I've been wading through questionnaires that I sent out to area boys and girls basketball coaches so forgive me for that posting a prep thread earlier this week.
Our boys and girls basketball advances/glances will be in the paper the next two days along with our predicted order of finishes. Don't hold me to the forecasts in Greater Spokane League boys and girls hoops. The league will be deep in both this year, creating some highly competitive games.
I took in the Gonzaga Prep/Lake City boys game Tuesday. It was broadcast by SWX, which will continue to cover area games this season. KGA 1510-AM also will broadcast a GSL boys or girls game on Tuesdays through the season.
One last fall item: Coming Friday, an advance on the undefeated Almira/Coulee-Hartline football team that takes on Neah Bay in the 1B state final.