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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Public Periscope

Have it your way.

Now some really important news from the bus station: Burger King expects to start construction of its restaurant on the second floor this month and finish by fall. … Architect Ron Tan, who designed the Plaza, blanched slightly when shown the restaurant’s purple, peach and teal color scheme. David Peterson, leasing agent for the Plaza’s commercial spaces, assured Tan it will look swell. “It’s not going to be garish,” Peterson said. “What they’re doing is very upscale.”

Guess who?

From a column written by Russ Cox, president of the Spokane Police Guild, in the Police Department’s July newsletter: “Someone recently asked me if the detective’s office was pursuing charges against a certain city councilman for annoying and harassing phone calls. First, we were blessed with the Internet messages and now it’s a barrage of phone mail messages. I am looking for the ‘Refuse to Accept’ button!”

Running late

Spokane School Board member Nancy Fike arrived late to last week’s board meeting. Her excuse? “I was teaching a class on running effective meetings….”

And most have tail gates.

Thinking of opening a car lot? Head to Davenport. Lincoln County’s 6,000 drivers own 10,600 cars and trucks, for an average of 1.8 cars apiece. That average, according to the state Department of Transportation, is the highest in our region.

Register to vote

It’s not too late to vote in the Sept. 19 primary, even if you’re not a registered voter. Through Friday, you can register in person at the Spokane County Courthouse … but you must have been a county resident since Aug. 19 and you can only cast an absentee ballot.

To vote the regular way in the Nov. 7 general election, you must register to vote by Oct. 7 … Register at the courthouse, fire stations, schools and libraries.

True procrastinators can put it off until Oct. 23 if they register in person at the courthouse and vote only by absentee.

Serving time

James Seabeck, a Spokane businessman and Gonzaga University regent, was reappointed to the state Horse Racing Commission. Spokane attorney David P. Roberts was named to the state Board for Community and Technical Colleges Education.

Get involved

The Spokane County Plan Commission has an opening for one position from the first commissioner district in the north Spokane area.

The county’s Water Quality Advisory Committee has two openings. There’s a four-year position in the first district and a term ending Jan 1, 1997, in the second commissioner district in the Valley area.

Interested parties can call the commissioners’ office at 456-2265.

, DataTimes MEMO: Public Periscope, published Mondays, is compiled by Jim Camden from staff reports. If you have a question about government, growth or development, we’d like to help find an answer. Write us c/o The Spokesman-Review, Box 2160, Spokane 99210. Or call Cityline at 458-8800 on a Touch-tone phone, then press 9120 to leave a message. Or send E-mail to for on-line readers.

This sidebar appeared with the story: HOT TOPICS The Spokane Plan Commission will decide the fate of the Indian Trail Specific Plan on Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. in Room 250 of City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls.

Public Periscope, published Mondays, is compiled by Jim Camden from staff reports. If you have a question about government, growth or development, we’d like to help find an answer. Write us c/o The Spokesman-Review, Box 2160, Spokane 99210. Or call Cityline at 458-8800 on a Touch-tone phone, then press 9120 to leave a message. Or send E-mail to for on-line readers.

This sidebar appeared with the story: HOT TOPICS The Spokane Plan Commission will decide the fate of the Indian Trail Specific Plan on Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. in Room 250 of City Hall, 808 W. Spokane Falls.