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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

County Rethinks No Trespassing At Golf Courses

Bruce Krasnow Staff writer

If Spokane County commissioners have their say, the “No Trespassing” signs that went up around public golf courses will be replaced with something more inviting.

“I think maybe there’s another way we can say ‘no trespassing,”’ said Commissioner Steve Hasson.

The signs were placed at Hangman Valley, MeadowWood and Liberty Lake golf courses after youngsters were seen skating on the near-frozen pond at Hangman.

Homeowners around MeadowWood, meanwhile, requested access to the golf course for crosscountry skiing.

Claude Cox, county safety officer, said both activities pose a liability to taxpayers in the event of an accident. Rather than try to discern what should be permitted, it’s best to restrict everything except what the property was designed for: golf.

The signs went up without the approval of county commissioners or advice from legal staff.

Commissioners said Tuesday they prefer signs that point out specific hazards, but allow people on the property at their own risk.

Commissioners are asking the Parks Advisory Committee, a panel of citizens, to consider the issue of golf course access during the winter.”On the surface I don’t agree with the signs, but there’s a lot of information I don’t have,” said Chilberg.