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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice Summer’s Over For Now, But Just Wait

Don’t feel too bad, kids.

We’ve done some checking. And it turns out there’s going to be another summer vacation next year.

Gender bending: Thirty percent of men’s fragrances are worn by women, according to American Demographics magazine. - Knight-Ridder news service

Here’s the deal: You don’t get to pose as an expert on downtown Spokane if you never go there.

Body English: After a London cab ride that included her driver intentionally slamming the rear end of the cab into the side of a red sports car that was trying to pass, Spokane’s Andrea Fern has decided that driving around here is actually pretty tame.

Write it off, feel good: The non-profit Father Palmer Braille Service - a division of the Lilac Blind Foundation - could really use a pair of 386 IBM-compatible computers. Call (509) 325-1442.

Coeur d’Alene’s Katherine von Hagen wonders: “If a car zooms up behind you on I-90 and rides your bumper, what are the chances it’s from Montana?”

Not nearly as good as the chances that it’s from Washington.

The long weekend wasn’t a waste: If you at least finally got around to cleaning your bathroom. (Hey, now you can have company over.)

Fill in the blanks (for those who remember when people cared about “A Prairie Home Companion”): Spokane is where the women are ( ), the men ( ) and the children ( ).

Lifestyle tip: Don’t assume someone will be able to call you back when you are at a pay phone. A fair number are “blocked” and can only be used for outgoing calls.

Slice answer: Decades after she had lived there, Barbara Guthrie went back to visit the Havre, Mont., house in which she grew up. The owner gave her a no-rush tour. “It was a good experience,” she said. “I think it was moving for both of us.”

Today’s Slice question: Which Inland Northwest school has the best-looking teachers?

, DataTimesILLUSTRATION: Drawing

MEMO: The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.

The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.