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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Not every grown-up who owns more than one teddy bear is particularly interested in education, but that’s now known to be an especially common concern of a good many of them. So surveys show.

Men wore corsets first.

Q. Which is more likely to succeed, the oldest son or the youngest son?

A. In a family with a lot of money, the oldest. In a family with not much money, the youngest. So say the sociologists.

Our Love and War man clings to his conviction that the woman who says she wants time to think about it already has thought about it.

The widow who reweds soon is far more likely to enjoy a happy second marriage than the widow who waits many years before she marries again. Or so conclude the romance researchers.

Nothing short-circuits your momentary memory so much as that thing called stress, say the medicos.