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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. How big is a typical family farm in China?

A. About the size of a football field.

It may be no surprise to historians with insider information to learn that Thomas Jefferson invented the hideaway bed.

Q. Where’d the Black Hills get the “black” in their name?

A. From the shade of dark pines and spruce thereon.

It was half a century ago - 1946 - that the pill rollers put Vitamin C on the medicine market.

More countries sell Coca-Cola than belong to the United Nations. Eleven more, specifically.

In the typical castle crew of the Middle Ages, a skillful worthy with a special title was assigned to do nothing but carve meat and fowl for the dinner table. Who carved at your last holiday dinner? Who’ll carve at your next? Tradition is important. Please refer to your family knife master henceforth as “the cutting squire.”

So swift is the growth of Nevada’s Las Vegas that the phone company puts out a new phone book every six months.

Those sea beasts that change their colors instantly - cuttlefish - are colorblind.