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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: My mother-in-law was in a wheelchair for four years. When she could no longer do the sewing, take care of her chickens or cook, things that she had been used to, I told her it would be appreciated so much if she would cut out your column and send it to me. She could spend time each day to look for, read and cut them out, and once a week she could send them to me. I stamped and addressed the envelopes.

My point is, she felt useful for part of the day, doing something for me (whom she loved dearly). It passed some moments for her and I know she felt no pain while she was doing this.

I put the articles in a scrapbook. They are priceless to me too, because her loving hands did it. - Freeda Olson, Kimberling City, Miss.

It’s nice to know my column helped. We all need a purpose in life. - Heloise