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What’s A Nice Girl Like Her Doing In A Place Like That?

Compiled By Staff Writer Rick Bo

Heather Locklear will be back for another season of “Melrose Place,” but beyond that, don’t hold your breath.

“I signed on for one more year and that’s it,” she tells TV Guide. “And I think that everybody’s contract is up. It will be very expensive to bring us all back. Very.”

Locklear, 34, who got her start on “Dynasty,” also stars in the upcoming NBC movie “Shattered Mind,” playing a woman with multiple personalities.

As for “Melrose,” Locklear says since the show has done just about everything, its plot lines are getting too outrageous.

“It’s a little ridiculous,” she says. “Every character has become almost insane. You can’t distinguish one from another. Now everybody’s nasty - and that makes it not so much fun.”

Loose talk

Yet another Long Island University grad, on Kermit the Frog’s commencement address: “I’ve been here laboring for five years, and now we have a sock talking at our commencement. It’s kind of upsetting.”

Didn’t he play the piano while Rome burned?

Peter Nero turns 62 today.

Guess it must stand for ‘extremely rude’

Deputies used pepper spray to subdue Deezer D. (real name Dearon Thompson), who plays nurse Malik McGrath on “ER,” after he refused to leave a California supermarket where his girlfriend works. Thompson was cited for making a harassing phone call and resisting arrest.

But she’d wake them up to smell the coffee

When Jay Leno took his “Tonight Show” to Chicago recently, says Ann Landers, he asked the advice columnist “to get in a car with him and go to strangers’ homes, knock on their doors, and ask which way they hang their toilet paper.” She declined.

For those of you who have a Dow jones

In light of Jerry “Beaver” Mathers’ Spokane appearance last weekend, you may be wondering what happened to big brother Wally. Following a stint in soap operas, Tony Dow is directing these days, working on such projects as the Sci-Fi Channel’s “It Came from Outer Space” and Fox Television’s upcoming telefilm “Doctor Who.”

It’s a whole new meaning to ‘out-er space’

A group called the Voyager Visibility Project is trying to get “Star Trek” TV producers to add a gay cast member to one of their crews. Agrees creator Gene Roddenberry’s grandson, Richard Compton Jr.: “Must there be closets in the 23rd century, too?”

Sounds like somebody’s out of his tree

Finally, former “Mission Impossible” star Peter Graves, testifying before the Los Angeles City Council in favor of a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers: “Leaf blowers are bad … In some areas of the world, plants, flowers and trees, and their arrangements together, have deep religious and philosophical meanings.”

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The following fields overflowed: CREDIT = Compiled by staff writer Rick Bonino