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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

If you are to be killed by an animal not counting infectious organisms odds run 34-to-1 that the killing creature will be a human.

The fingerprint of the koala is so similar to a human print that it can fool a inexpert examiner.

King Frederick VII of Denmark was the envy of the world’s royalty a century ago because he wore an aluminum hard hat. That’s precisely what his royal helmet was - at a time when aluminum was highly valued.

An octopus has three hearts.

Q. Why do yellow fire trucks have fewer accidents than red fire trucks?

A. Credit that phenomenon called the “Purkinje shift, which makes red appear black at night. Yellow does not shift this way.

Q. Was there ever a time in this century when the street users could not get morphine and heroin?

A. Twice. In 1931, when government economics convulsed and the money to buy dried up during the Great Depression. And in the early 1940s during World War II, when the French heroin labs were put out of business by the war effort.

A bird’s blood pressure runs about 50 percent higher than a human’s.

Q. How far out is the Hubble telescope?

A. About 379 miles.