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L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Approximately 1,500 Americans a year go to emergency rooms for table tennis injuries.

When an earthquake hits, sometimes people roundabout sneeze, choke, cough, weep, and dab at their noses. Blame fungus spores kicked up by landslides, say the medical investigators.

In Japan you can buy a serving of hot cocoa flavored with 2 percent chili pepper sauce.

Grass is usually listed as the most important vegetation of all, but many another plants have changed the course of human history. Cotton. Bamboo. Wheat. Tea. Sugar cane, Rubber. Pepper. Papyrus. Olive. And the South American cinchona tree, that quinine source. Any others?

Word is that Elton John rarely puts in more than an hour writing a song.

A speed skier on a downhill run can go faster than a skydiver in a free fall.

Heart cancer? Heart cells divide infrequently. Maybe once a year. Not often as do cells of bones, skin, brain, liver, blood, kidneys and intestines. This infrequency of heart cell division is why you never hear anything about cancer of the heart. It’s almost nonexistent.