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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Ancient Greeks thought radishes special. Very special. They gave them as gifts.

At age 10, girls with hearing trouble outnumber boys so afflicted, while boys with speech difficulties outnumber girls who suffer same.

Sadly, you may now add “car bomb” to that list of terms readily understood in almost all languages.

If one informed source is correct, you can credit Houston, Texas - “Almost everybody there is from somewhere else” - as the major metropolis with the smallest proportion of native-born residents.

Q. Did you say alcoholics rarely have hair on their chests?

A. Not me, a doctor named James J. Smith sometime back at Bellevue Medical Center was so quoted. But experienced sources have questioned the contention.

In response to a client’s query, all I can find in our Love and War man’s file labeled “Lowest Divorce Rate” is this item: “The fruit fly lives only 24 hours.”

Q. Who was that word authority who came up with what he decided are “the 10 most beautiful words in the English language”? And what are they?

A. Wilfred J. Funk - chimes, dawn, golden, hush, lullaby, luminous, melody, mist, murmuring, tranquil.