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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Johns Hopkins researchers reportedly have genetically engineered mice so muscular they look like padded caricatures of a superbreed.

It’s illegal in Ohio’s Ironton to sally forth onto the streets in drag.

During the first 13 years of marriage, unhappy wives gain 42.6 pounds. So report the surveytakers.

They do not make clear whether it’s the unhappiness that makes them gain weight or the weight gain that makes them unhappy. Both, maybe. Happy wives, they say, put on only 18.4 pounds.

As a boy, Horace Greeley, that renowned 1800s newspaperman, routinely stuffed and lit his mother’s pipe.

Fifty baby boomers now reach age 50 every seven seconds.

A pollster says no survey has ever revealed how much liquor people really drink at home. Claim is almost all people who drink underreport that figure by about 50 percent.

History records that for a time on one of Abraham Lincoln’s desks was a big envelope labeled in his own hand: “When you can’t find it anywhere else, look into this.”

If you find out why ostriches sometimes run around in circles, let me know, okay?