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She Threw Out Her Baby With The Bath Water

Compiled By Staff Writer Rick Bo

So what was behind Roseanne’s breakup with husband number three, Ben Thomas?

Seems the last straw was when the 6-foot-2, 240-pound Thomas, her former bodyguard, returned home drunk on New Year’s Eve and apparently acted in a threatening manner. With guns in the house, USA Today reported, Roseanne feared for her safety and that of their 2-year-old son, Buck, and called the police.

Roseanne’s agent, Jeff Wald, denied as “beyond ridiculous” reports that Thomas threatened to kill her, adding that she “has nothing bad to say about Ben.”

They were married on Valentine’s Day in 1995, and it seems like only yesterday that Thomas was telling TV Guide: “One of my rituals is to prepare Roseanne’s bath water. I light candles and toss in rose petals. I make her breakfast in bed.”

Loose talk

Former Sylvester Stallone squeeze Angie Everhart, on being the prize in Comedy Central’s “Take a Supermodel to the Super Bowl” contest (in TV Guide): “It could be the man of my dreams. But with my luck, it’ll be a girl.”

He can tell you all about wives and lovers

Jack Jones turns 60 today.

He already manages to get angry quite easily

Motley Crue rocker Tommy Lee was ordered to undergo anger management counseling Monday after pleading no contest to beating a cameraman who videotaped him and wife Pamela Anderson Lee as they left a club last March. Lee was also ordered to pay $17,500 in restitution to his victim and was placed on probation for two years.

All together now: Ethan! Uma! Ethan! Uma!

Pretty people Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke are expecting a baby in May, according to the New York Daily News. The unwed couple, both 27 years old and 6 feet tall, met two years ago while they were filming the science fiction thriller “Gattaca.”

It’s about time for both of them to pony up

Anthony Quinn’s divorce from former wife Iolanda was finalized last year, but they’re still fighting about it. She’s been unable to sell their $2 million New York co-op because Quinn failed to give her ownership papers; he complains she’s refused to give him several artworks, including a statue of a horse he bought for $125 when he was 21.

With a cast like that, he’s got us hooked

Eddie Fisher has written a tell-all autobiography, to be published later this year, that he promises will include the “real story” about his marriages to Debbie Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor. “The focus of the book will be on the most complicated and publicized love story of the 20th century, one that riveted the attention of the world in the 1950s and 1960s,” the 69-year-old Fisher said in a statement, adding that the true story of his breakup with Reynolds and subsequent marriage to and divorce from Taylor “has never been told.”

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The following fields overflowed: CREDIT = Compiled by staff writer Rick Bonino