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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


 (The Spokesman-Review)
King Features Syndicate

Dear Readers: During the holiday season, there are extra precautions to take with your pets, especially at dinnertime. It’s tempting to give treats from the table, but don’t! Stick to their normal diet – people food can cause vomiting, diarrhea and indigestion.

Most everyone loves chocolate, but beware with pets in the house. Chocolate contains theobromine (closely related to caffeine), and when taken in large quantities it can be fatal to dogs, especially small dogs. Even a small amount of baking chocolate is especially toxic, so keep it away from your pet.

Also, during the holidays, we tend to put pretty plants around the house, but be careful: Amaryllis, holly and mistletoe should be kept away from pets – they are poisonous.Heloise