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AICR offers strategy for new dietary guidelines

From wire reports

If you’re having trouble keeping the new federal dietary guidelines straight, here’s a quick tip from the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Fill at least two-thirds of your plate with a variety of plant foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains or beans. The remaining one-third of your plate can hold animal protein.

For years – long before the new guidelines were announced – the approach has been referred to as the AICR’s “New American Plate” campaign.

“We’ve found that people tend to think about their diet in terms of meals, so that’s how we package our health message,” said Karen Collins, registered dietitian and nutrition advisor to the institute. “We tell them, ‘Start by taking a good look at your plate.’ “

And for those one-pot dishes, the principle is the same. Make your stews, casseroles, pilafs, frittatas or chilis with the same two-thirds/one-third proportions. Two-thirds veggies and grains; one-third, meat.

For recipe ideas and a free “New American Plate” brochure, visit

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