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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Discuss Greenacres’ future Monday

The Spokesman-Review

North Greenacres neighbors will get a chance Monday evening to weigh in on future road construction and meet the candidates for the City Council election.

The neighborhood is throwing an ice cream social at Greenacres Church, 18010 E. Mission Ave. The party starts at 6:30 p.m. State and city highway engineers will be on hand to discuss big changes proposed for North Greenacres roads. And neighbors will be invited to take a survey on two plans to punch a through street from Mission and Boone avenues to Indiana Avenue and the Spokane Valley Mall. Currently, reaching Indiana entails crossing Interstate 90 twice and traveling through five stoplights.

Neighbors will also get an update on a proposed neighborhood park and efforts to reduce pollution at street light. And, there will be celebration about the city’s decision to allow neighborhoods more say in community planning.

Bowls, cones and spoons will be provided but people are asked to bring their own ice cream. The social is outside so it wouldn’t hurt to bring a lawn chair.