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Kraft adds flavors to its cheese dips

Lorie Hutson Food editor

These new dips might look familiar, but the makers of Cheez Whiz are suggesting a different dip-delivery vehicle.

Kraft has blended black beans and salsa into its basic cheese base to create dips for crackers. The Zesty Cheese and Bean was a hit with most panel members. It earned four stars out of five from the tasters.

“What a dip! Perfect in every way; nice spice, very flavorful with just the right amount of salt,” Tina Johnson said.

“Reminds me of the local gas station chili dog sauce – which for me is a good thing,” Skip Hubbard said.

“Cheesy chili,” said Andy Hoye. “(It) works for me.”

Even those who aren’t normally fond of processed cheese food conceded that the dip had some good points.

“As an overprocessed bean dip, it’s not too bad,” said Vicki Deschaine.

Even Marcia Oranen, who compared the dip to dog food, mused that it might taste better warmed.

The Cheese and Salsa flavor didn’t fare as well with the panel members. It eked out a two-and-a-half-star-rating. “Gah! It looks like Velveeta, tastes like … badness,” Laura Hollman said. “Lumps of unidentifiable green, swimming in a sea of fake orange. Avoid at all costs.”

Larry Inman liked the cheese and salsa, although not as much as the bean dip. Still he declared it was “definitely worth trying.”

We invited the Spokesman-Review reader food panel members to taste the dips with Nabisco’s new Wheat Thins Multi-Grain Chips. OK. OK, the package says “chip” but they worked well with the cracker dips. Panel members liked the cracker chips, giving them a four-star rating.

Compliments included: “addicting,” “tasty” and “nice crunch.”

“Light, crisp, very tasty! Everything I could want in a cracker,” said Larry Inman. “Unfortunately, they are a little pricey.”

Hubbard added, “Nice and crispy with a fantastic wheat flavor. Great for summer wine and cheese on the deck, picnics and whatever else you choose to do.”

There were some complaints about the chips being too salty, but most tasters liked them.

“The perfect mix of cracker and chip. These taste more healthy than chips and are extra crunchy,” Johnson said.

Kraft Cracker Dips, Zesty Cheese and Bean

Price: $2.49 for 11 ounces, about 10 servings

Nutrition per 2-ounce serving: 40 calories, 2 grams fat (.5 grams saturated, 45 percent fat calories), 1 gram protein, 3 grams carbohydrate, less than 5 milligrams cholesterol, less than 1 gram dietary fiber, 270 milligrams sodium.

Taste: • • • •

Value: • • •

Comments: “Creamy texture, slow heat that gradually builds. This is very good. Nice bean flavor.” – Donald Clegg

“What a dip! Perfect in every way; nice spice, very flavorful with just the right amount of salt.” – Tina Johnson

“Heaped it on one cracker after another. I liked it.” – Marilyn Moore

“Lots of chili taste, not fresh tasting. I think it would taste better warm – it tastes a little like dog food.” – Marcia Oranen

Kraft Cracker Dips, Cheese and Salsa

Price: $2.49 for 11 ounces, about 10 servings

Nutrition per 2-ounce serving: 40 calories, 2.5 grams fat (.5 grams saturated, 56 percent fat calories), 1 gram protein, 3 grams carbohydrate, less than 5 milligrams cholesterol, no dietary fiber, 290 milligrams sodium.

Taste: • • 1/2

Value: • •

Comments: “Fake cheese and a faint ‘salsa’ flavor. Just not enough bang for your buck.” – Skip Hubbard

“A great, cheesy dip. (It’s) nice and creamy with a little bit of zip.” – Tina Johnson

“Very good. Not quite as good as the bean (dip) but definitely worth trying.” – Larry Inman

Wheat Thins Chips, Multi-Grain

Price: $2.99 for a 9-ounce bag

Nutrition per serving: 130 calories, 4 grams fat (.5 grams saturated, 28 percent fat calories), 2 grams protein, 21 grams carbohydrate, no cholesterol, 1 gram dietary fiber, 300 milligrams sodium.

Taste: • • • •

Value: • • 1/2

Comments: “Nice and crispy with a fantastic wheat flavor. Great for summer wine and cheese on the deck, picnics and whatever else you choose to do.” – Skip Hubbard

“Pretty salty, but otherwise good.”– Andy Hoye

“I loved the crispy light crackers. A great light seasoning.” – Peggy Kazanis