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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Questions for Fire Dist. 8 commissioners

The Spokesman-Review

Here are some questions residents of Fire District 8 should ask fire commissioners about the so-called “levy lid lift.”

Why are you trying to circumvent the will of the people who passed Initiative 747, which limits budget growth to 1 percent annually? Why are you failing to control what you call “uncontrollable” factors such as fuel, apparatus, protective equipment and training?

What does the Citizens Advisory Committee have to say about your attempts to disregard levy limits and impose more taxes on your community? Why do you cite levy rates instead of the increased amount of money and taxes involved? (The tax “rate” goes down as population and valuation revenues increase.)

Why aren’t you telling residents that the size of the district will shrink in the next two years leaving you with less territory to cover with the same number of employees you have now?

Aren’t you ashamed for trying to fool taxpayers into believing you are entitled to the 1985 levy amount without comparing today’s staff levels, population, and level of service to those of 1985?

The only levy lifting going on out there is the district picking residents’ pockets.

Hugh Davis
