Culinary calendar
55 Plus Luncheon - The 55 Plus luncheon and program for seniors. The featured speaker is Julia McHugh of the Spokane Aquifer Joint Board; today, noon, Spokane Valley United Methodist Church, 115 N. Raymond Road. 924-7262.
Cabernet - Cabernet - Cabernet - It’s good to be the king, of wine, that is; Friday, 7 p.m., Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave.; $25. 343-2253.
28th Annual Mennonite Country Auction and Relief Sale - Breakfast served 7:30-9:30 a.m.; demonstrations of wheat-weaving, making cider, apple butter, flour and ice cream begin at 9:30 a.m. Food booths open at 10 a.m. along with many vendors; Saturday, Menno Church grounds, 20 miles west of Ritzville. Free admission. 765-8683.
Apple Festival - Harvest festival is each weekend, through Oct. 30. Enjoy a large variety of apples, fresh pressed cider and other produce, live music, craft booths, corn and straw mazes and animals. Green Bluff.
Octoberfest - All you can eat breakfast plus bake sale, silent auction and mini-mart sale. Saturday; 8-11 a.m., Holman Gardens Retirement Community, 12912 E. 12th Ave. Breakfast is $4/adults, $2/ages 12 and younger. 927-2300.
Oktoberfest - 20-piece German band, huge German-food buffet and beer; Saturday. 4 p.m., Hidden Lakes Golf Resort, Sandpoint. (208) 263-1642.
Music Festival and Spaghetti Feed - Sponsored by the Spokane Valley VFW Post 1435 to raise money for hurricane relief. All donations will be matched by the national VFW; Sunday, 1-8 p.m., 212 S. David St. $5/admission, $5/spaghetti feed. 535-9315.
Octoberfeast Dinner and Auction - 11th annual event with silent auction and beer garden from 4-6 p.m., dinner from 5:30-7:30 and live auction from 6:30-8. Proceeds will be used for retreat services; Sunday, Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Road; $25. 448-1224.
The Bishop’s Poor Man’s Meal - Proceeds benefit the emergency winter sleeping program; Sunday, noon-2 p.m., House of Charity, 32 W. Pacific Ave.; $10/person, $30/family, includes lunch. 358-4254.
Compass Club luncheon - The women’s club for welcoming newcomers to the area will have its luncheon and tour. Reservations are requested; Tuesday, 11 a.m., Northern Lights Brewery, Trent and Hamilton. $15. 465-8163.
Big-Time Red Wine Styles - Taste the dominant red grape varietals cabernet, merlot, pinot noir and others; and learn regions known for these grapes and why aging and storing can make such a difference; Oct. 5, 6:30 p.m., Vino!, 222 S. Washington St.; $40. 838-1229.
70th Annual Greek Festival - Enjoy dinner (served 4:30-8 p.m.), pastries, souvlakia, taverna, dancing, coffee, deli, imports and Orthodox Book Store; Oct. 6-8. noon-8 p.m., Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1703 N. Washington. $12/adults, $6/ages 12 and younger. 328-9310.
Japanese Food for the Soul - Cook, converse and enjoy culture. Classes are: Oct. 6, Nigiri and Tamaki Sushi; Oct. 13, Bento Seasonal Box Lunch; Oct. 20, Rames rediscovered; and Oct. 27, Creative Sushi; 6-8 p.m., Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute, 4000 W. Randolph Road; $10/class. Register by Saturday. 328-2971.
Second Annual Hispanic Heritage Dinner - Hosted by the Hispanic/Latino Resource Center. There will also be guest speakers, Latin entertainment, door prizes and raffles. If you want to bring a contribution to the center’s annual food drive please bring a nonperishable food item; Oct. 7. 6:30 p.m., East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone St.; $10/adults, $5/children. Reservations recommended by Monday. 455-6706.
Annual Bazaar and Chicken Teriyaki Dinner - Fresh produce, crafts, California sushi and more. Tickets must be reserved or purchased in advance; Oct. 8., 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Highland Park United Methodist Church, 611 S. Garfield St.; $8.50. 535-2687.
Elktoberfest – Second-annual event. Beer garden with 10 different Oktoberfest beers on draft; Oct. 8, 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Elk Public House, 1931 W. Pacific Ave., Browne’s Addition. 363-1973.
Festa Italiana: Idaho Italian Festival - Oct. 8-9, with cooking demonstrations, wine and beer garden, bola grape stomp contest, mouth-watering food, carnival rides, Italian Idol karaoke singing contest, artisan and business booths, and live family entertainment with jugglers, magicians, music and more. Oct. 8, 10 a.m.-midnight, and Oct. 9 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene. Free admission, parking $1. (208) 773-8522.
Hunter’s Breakfast - Served at the Rose Lake School; also a rummage sale from 7-10 a.m.; sponsored by the Rose Lake Historical Society. Oct. 8-9. 4:30-11 a.m., Rose Lake School; $6/all-you-can-eat.
Pilgrim Harvest Festival and Dinner - Authentic representation of the Pilgrim’s giving thanks for their bounty; Oct. 8, 4-7 p.m., Heritage Congregational Church, 1801 E. 39th Ave., $10/general, $5/ages 5-11, under age 5/free. 624-5090.