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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Male hot flashes call for dose of patience

Peter Gott, M.D. The Spokesman-Review

Dear Dr. Gott: I enjoy your column. It is very well written and displays a frankness and compassion not always found in medicine these days.

I have a condition, or a situation, that has baffled me and a number of doctors. My family doctor has said that I should describe it, whenever possible, to people I meet in the health field.

Someday, he says, I may run across someone who has had or has seen a similar set of symptoms. That is why I am writing to you.

I’m a male, 62. For about five years I have had sporadic hot flashes. My face gets very red and hot, and sometimes my whole body does, too. I feel terrible during these spells.

Perhaps the feeling is a bit like the onset of the flu, a little achiness and a hot fever; however, I do not run a temperature when the spells are “on,” nor does my blood pressure or heart rate rise.

The spells last anywhere from one to three hours. When they go away I feel OK, usually quite relieved.

I have had bypass surgery and have a pacemaker, but, in general, I would say I enjoy pretty good health and am fairly active for my age, all things considered.

I have seen a number of specialists and have consulted the Mayo Clinic. No one seems to have an answer. I guess, if I have to, I can live with this situation. Apparently, it is not life-threatening. So far.

If you have any suggestions about what might be causing this or where I might go for an answer, I will be very grateful. Thank you for any help you can give me.

Dear Reader: I would be willing to bet, based on the limited information you provide, that you are suffering the hot flashes of male menopause.

Although this disorder has recently been questioned by medical authorities, I believe that it is real. Ever since I reached 70, I have suffered symptoms identical to yours, including hot flashes and the usual sexual problems that seem to plague men our age.

My advice to you is to be patient, The hot flashes should resolve themselves.

Why this nonspecific advice? Because there is no consistently effective therapy for male menopause except male hormone-replacement therapy, which can cause prostate cancer in us oldies and is, therefore, best avoided.

Let me know what happens over the next year or two.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Erectile Dysfunction.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope and $2 to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.