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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Surprise ‘makeover’ indeed

Dear Diane

By Diane Verhoeven King Features Syndicate

Dear Diane: “Bruce” and I were dating for three months. He was everything I wanted in a man: tall, handsome, funny, sensitive, and he even enjoyed shopping with me!

After our third date, Bruce told me that he was “saving himself” for marriage. I respected his choice, even though it was a bit of a strain for me because he was just so perfect in every other way.

Perfect, except for one minor flaw. His hair was always a mess. So, I sent Bruce to see my stylist of three years, “Peter.” If anyone could whip Bruce’s hair into shape, it would be Peter.

Long story short: Peter and Bruce are now lovers and have moved in together. This was not the makeover I had intended.

Diane, I feel so hurt, angry and betrayed. I want to do something to get them back for all this pain they’ve caused me, but I can’t bring myself to do anything vengeful because gays in our society have been persecuted for so long.

What can I do to get justice and make myself feel better? — Betrayed in Boise

Dear Betrayed: Sweetie, just because a Stealth Queen flew in under your “gaydar” is no reason to beat yourself — or anyone else — up.

Just because a group has been persecuted is no reason for people to act like jerks, and Peter and Bruce are jerks. Period. Their sexuality has nothing to do with it. If Peter were Charlene, you would be in the same situation.

What you need to do is throw yourself a Pity Party this weekend. Have a few cocktails, a good cry, do some shopping and then prepare yourself for the work ahead — mainly finding a new hairdresser, which is your real problem now.

As for Peter and Bruce, forget them. Move on. Life’s too short to hold a grudge — especially over a three-month platonic affair.

Send letters to Diane c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Or you may e-mail her at