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Economize and Organize with S-T-O-P

Tips for getting the most out of what you need and getting rid of the things you don’t

Toss it (in the recycling bin) (Energizer)
Family Features

With the change of each season comes the opportunity to reorganize around the house and experience the satisfaction that comes with feeling like everything has its place. But inspiration can be hard to find if it’s not realistic to take an out-with-the-old and in-with-the-new attitude this year.

Victoria Pericon is a family lifestyle expert who appears on national morning shows as Savvy Mommy. She has some tips to help you S-T-O-P and take a different approach to organizing and economizing your household this year:

S - Swap Stories (And Clothes) - With growing kids, each change of season can mean a change of wardrobe. If a trip to the mall isn’t in the budget right now, organize a “Frock Swap” with your friends to exchange the clothes that their kids have outgrown for new-to-you outfits for yours. It’s a great way to get together with friends and save some money in the process.

T - Toss it (in the recycling bin) - Sometimes it’s the little things that tend to pile up and create a mess. Instead of throwing away old papers, magazines and mail, reduce the clutter by recycling it. If your area doesn’t offer a recycling program, but your employer does, bag up your paper items and take them to work to toss them. I would recommend shredding them first, though!

O - Organize for Efficiency - If you keep losing things, you have to spend unnecessarily to replace them. When things that get regular use end up spread all over the house, everything from crayons and pens to hair ties and even batteries seem to disappear. Drawer organizers work wonders for corralling smaller items. If your family runs through batteries, consider buying rechargeable batteries - they’re a convenient, economical, and reusable source of power. A good charger will keep them all together, like the Energizer Family Charger, which charges a combination of sizes and is actually stylish enough to sit out on a desk or counter.

P - Purge Unused Toys - As your kids get older, the number of neglected toys can really pile up. Resale shops are a great option - you can clear your home of old toys and get some money out of them at the same time. Or you can donate to a local charity or children’s center. You can take a write-off for the value of the donation, and it’s a great way to teach kids the importance of sharing with those less fortunate. It’s also a great time for grown-ups to get rid of unused “toys” like exercise equipment that is collecting dust.

Let’s face it: managing a household in this economy isn’t easy. Why not work together with your friends and family to make the most of what you have and get the most from the things you need? After all, saving money and time isn’t stingy, it’s smart!