Tea raises funds for Moore-Turner garden

The Friends of the Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens will be putting on a formal tea at the historic D.C. Corbin House and art center on Saturday. The gardens are located at 507 W. Seventh Ave.
Seatings will be at 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. at $25 for members of the friends group and $30 for others. Reservations can be made by (509) 838-0190.
Tours of the gardens will be given along with presentations on the history of the gardens and city-owned art center in the Corbin House.
Last year, the tea drew 90 guests. The size of the tea is expanding this year.
The tea will feature a special English, fine china, linens and English luncheon fare of both savory and sweet items. The event last year drew a large number of younger guests, said organizer Linda Yeomans.
The historic gardens, which were restored more than a decade ago, should be showing lots of color, including the chance of heritage iris and lilacs in bloom.