Good afternoon, Netizens... According to cartoonist David Horsey, is there such a thing as a civic-minded billionaire, or are they all as self-serving as this cartoon suggests they may be? I've been in the homes of a few billionaires and millionaires and in nearly every…
Good evening, Netizens... Here's one for Jeanie's Mechanic Man. One of the many mechanical loves of my life was a 1969 pale green and white Volkswagen Van which I acquired from a semi-destitute student after he had blown a rod through the sidewall of the…
Good evening, Netizens... While I'll concede here in Eastern Washington, it is perhaps a long time before we will once again begin turning the soil in preparation for our gardens, it seems inevitable that once again some of our families will begin that annual ritual…
Good morning, Netizens... As many of you know, my wife Suzanne recently was diagnosed as having uterine cancer, which suddenly drove the fear of God into both of us. Fortunately, thanks to Sacred Hearth and Cancer Care Northwest, we had caught the cancer in its…
Good evening, Netizens... While the talking heads of local television weather forecasting were prattling among themselves this morning about how bitterly cold it is outside, I cannot help but wonder how many of them have been in Northern Minnesota during a really cold winters day.…
Good evening, Netizens... I have crawled from, beneath my rock to peer at the snow ratcheting from the sky just in time to receive an e-mail from Marty advising me that the temperature in Arizona, where he is visiting, is 65 degrees and sunny. My…
Good morning, Netizens... We had the opportunity to take Moammar Gadafi's regime down, put it out of power, in 1996 but we couldn't get the job done. Perhaps now it is too late, as some animals will not be put down without a fight. Gadhafi…
Good evening, Netizens... Christchurch, New Zealand At least 65 people are dead, although that number may rise, and hundreds more may be trapped beneath the rubble after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, New Zealand at the peak of a busy workday. Video footage Tuesday showed…
Good evening Netizens... Gee, and if you wondered why your e-mail INBOX has been so quiet all of a sudden, one of our favorite sources of local electronic entertainment may be out of commission for awhile. David Elton, ostensibly one of Spokane's finest gold-plated gadabouts…
Good evening, Netizens... When the Amazon Kindle first made its appearance, given the volume of books I regularly read, I admit it was a strong temptation to slap down over $100 at my local Amazon Bookstore so I could read books online. After all,…
Good morning, Netizens... In his contribution to edification, cartoonist David Horsey attempts to depict the quandary surrounding earmarks facing our national leadership, regardless of their political affiliation. Earmarks, those subtle, sometimes very costly additions tagged onto otherwise existing pieces of legislation, have been the political…
Good evening, Netizens... If you are somewhat paranoid, prone to ethereal blasts of half-baked fantasy or otherwise have been following some of the believers in latter-day theorists, perhaps you might want to don your tinfoil aluminum hats and dive into your custom-built underground shelter because…
Good morning, Netizens... David Horsey has painted a picture of the possible new face of Egypt now that Hosni Mubarak has stepped down. However his imagery of democracy in Egypt leaves a fair amount, I believe. While events of the last 18 days in Egypt…
Good morning, Netizens... According to two different sources, Egypt's Hosni Mubarak has resigned. The news announcement, which came at approximately 8:00 AM PST this morning from Egyptian Vice President Suleiman, is that Mubarak has indeed resigned. Omar Suleiman made the announcement on national TV on…
Good evening, Netizens... End of day three... Closest to my heart is that my Suzie is back home from The House of Pain on the South Hill, having had her cancerous uterus removed during a robotic surgical procedure two days ago. I must hereby make…
Good morning, Netizens... I've been reluctant to cast my opinion on the collective waters about the Egyptian uprising, simply because life in Egypt currently is in such a state of flux, with daily riots and unrest, journalists being beaten and foreign citizens leaving the country…
Good morning, Netizens... It is 5 AM CST Thursday, and in snow-blasted Chicago it is a bone-chilling 3 degrees while a great portion of the city remains closed. The public offices, schools and cultural institutions which will remain closed Thursday, include: • Chicago Public Schools…
Good morning, Netizens... You can hardly turn on your television this morning without reading or hearing about the blizzard which now covers a substantial portion of the Southern and Eastern United States. According to nearly everyone, the storm that hit Chicago, Illinois about 2 PM…
Good morning, Netizens... NEAR SPOKANE -- Spokane County Sheriff’s Dive Team members rescued a 60-year-old Spokane woman after she drove her sport utility vehicle off Hangman Valley Road and into Latah Creek. Former Spokane KXLY-TV anchor Debra Gilbert Wilde was driving southbound when her 2002…
Hallelujah! No taser or gun was fired! I am pleasantly surprised that, in a struggle with a combatant citizen, the Spokane police officers were able to subdue him without firing their guns or using their tasers - and in this case, it would probably have…
Good morning, Netizens... Thank God it's Friday! I have studiously avoided mentioning anything related to the ailment that Suzie and I have known about for nearly a month, simply because Suzie did not want to make a “big thing” out of it, and seriously wanted…
Good morning, Netizens... I have referred to my wife as “my strong right arm”, which could be construed as a play on words since I happen to be left-handed, the latter of which I will concede is a demographic anomaly in its own right. It…
Good morning, Netizens... The Dinner Bell Restaurant in Loon Lake, one of my favorite eateries has apparently burned to the ground this morning. Early information from the scene is that they suffered a grease fire, which got out of control. Dave
Good morning, Netizens... Perhaps I am feeling my age, or perhaps it is the impact of David Horsey's latest cartoon this morning, when it is cold enough outside for even our resident starlings to stick close to their nests. I am feeling more like a…
Good evening, Netizens... We were damned lucky last Monday! Of course, no one publicly made such a statement after a sophisticated bomb was left Monday directly along the path that Martin Luther King Day parade marchers would have been following if a remarkably resourceful group…